Web Packages

We don’t believe in impossible!

Dynamic Website

5 Web Pages

Mobile Responsive design

Contact form with validation & Captcha

Dynamic Map on Contact page

Social network links

WhatsApp Integration

SEO Friendly

Website Security setup

1 Webmail Account

1st year Free Hosting

Business Website

12 Web Pages

Banner Images Slider on Home page

Mobile Responsive design with CMS

Drop Down Menu Design

Blog page

Photo Gallery

YouTube Video embed

Contact form with validation & Captcha

Dynamic Map at Contact page

Social network links

WhatsApp Integration

SEO Friendly

Website Security setup

2 Webmail Accounts

1st year Free Hosting

Corporate Website

18 Web Pages

Animated Banner Images Slider on Home page

Mobile Responsive design with CMS

Customized Drop Down Menu Design

Photo Gallery

Video Gallery

Tab & Accordion Views

Dynamic Blog page

News Scrolling – Horizontal / Vertical


Fixed Sidebar Layout

Custom Widgets on Side bar

YouTube Video embed

Contact form with validation & Captcha

Document upload on contact form

Dynamic Map at Contact page

Social Network links

Live chat Integration

WhatsApp Integration

SEO Friendly

Google Font Integration

Google Analytics Integration

Website Security setup

Website Admin Control panel

3 Webmail Accounts

1st year Free Hosting

Professional Website

25 Web Pages

Animated Banner Images and Videos Slider on Home page

Mobile Responsive design with CMS

Customized Drop Down Menu Design with Icons

Product display with Zoom Option

Photo Gallery

Video Gallery

Pricing Tables

Tab & Accordion Views

Dynamic Blog page

News Scrolling – Horizontal / Vertical


Fixed Sidebar Layout

Custom Widgets on Side bar

YouTube Video embed

Google Font Integration

Contact form with validation & Captcha

Document upload on contact form

Redirect to another page after form submission

Dynamic Map at Contact page

Geometric pattern designs

Social Network links

Live chat Integration

WhatsApp Integration

SEO Friendly

Google Analytics Integration

Copyright and Right Click Protection

Website Security setup

Website Admin Control panel

5 Webmail Accounts

1st year Free Hosting

Advanced Website

50 Web Pages

Animated Banner Images, Videos and Text Slider on Home page

Mobile Responsive design with CMS

Customized Drop Down Menu Design with Images

Product display with Zoom Option

Photo Gallery

Video Gallery

Pricing Tables

Tab & Accordion Views

News Scrolling – Horizontal / Vertical

Dynamic Blog page


Contact form with validation & Captcha

Document upload on contact form

Redirect to another page after form submission

Dynamic Map at Contact page

Social Network links

Live chat Integration

WhatsApp Integration

Live Social Network Feed section on website

SEO Friendly

Google Analytics Integration

Fixed Sidebar Layout

Custom Widgets on Side bar

YouTube Video embed

Geometric pattern designs

Dynamic News and Events pages

Logo Design

Google Font Integration

Website Security setup

Website Admin Control panel

8 Webmail Accounts

1st year Free Hosting

Starter Plan

100 Products Store

Shopping Cart functionality

Tax Calculation functionality

Shipping Cost Calculation functionality

1 Payment Gateway Integration

Order Manager: Admin can track order details such as payment and shipping

Mobile Responsive design

Contact form with validation & Captcha

Document attachment/upload on contact form

Dynamic Map at Contact page

Social Network links

Live chat Integration

WhatsApp Integration

SEO Friendly

Google Analytics Integration

Website Security setup

Website Admin Control panel

2 Webmail Accounts

1st year Free Hosting

Business Plan

250 Products Store

Shopping Cart functionality

Tax Calculation functionality

Shipping Cost Calculation functionality

2 Payment Gateways Integration

Order Manager: Admin can track order details such as payment and shipping

Full set of content pages, including services, portfolio, and blog Integration

Easy-to-use content management system

Mobile Responsive design

Contact form with validation & Captcha

Document attachment/upload on contact form

Dynamic Map at Contact page

Social Network links

Live chat Integration

WhatsApp Integration

SEO Friendly

Google Analytics Integration

Website Security setup

Website Admin Control panel

5 Webmail Accounts

1st year Free Hosting

Enterprise Plan

500 Products Store

Shopping Cart functionality

Tax Calculation functionality

Shipping Cost Calculation functionality

3 Payment Gateways Integration

Order Manager: Admin can track order details such as payment and shipping

Full set of content pages, including services, portfolio, and blog Integration

Easy-to-use content management system

Dynamic Deals and Offer pages

Mobile Responsive design

Social Media Logins

Contact form with validation & Captcha

Document attachment/upload on contact form

Dynamic Map at Contact page

Social Network links

Live chat Integration

WhatsApp Integration

SEO Friendly

Google Analytics Integration

Website Security setup

Website Admin Control panel

8 Webmail Accounts

1st year Free Hosting